Camel Milk and Acne

First, a Disclaimer
Before going any further, we need to be clear that CameLife does not sell products in Australia intended to treat acne. Camel milk is not listed as a therapeutic ingredient with the Therapeutic Goods Administration and our products aren’t listed as acne treatments. That’s the compliance over!
In recent weeks, a number of customers with quite severe acne have bought CameLife’s Facial Cleansing Bar to cleanse and moisturise their faces. Several have told us how conventional anti-acne cleansing formulations sting when applied and don’t appear to have much effect unless used for several weeks. Others have shown us how quickly their acne has subsided after only a few days of cleansing with our Cleansing Bar.
Here at CameLife, we are delighted to have happy young people come and tell us how the Magic of Camel Milk has transformed their lives by helping their acne. We are not surprised; camel milk creams have long been used in the Middle East and India to treat acne because it naturally cleanses, moisturises and soothes. In this blog, we take a closer look at why camel milk skincare products may help acne sufferers.
So What is Acne?
Acne usually begins in the teenage years and disappears after eight to ten years, but occasionally it can persist until the 30s and even 40s.
The cause is inflammation of the hair follicles, usually on the face, back and chest where there is a high concentration of oil glands. The hair follicles become blocked with dead cells and oil from the skin. Symptoms include blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts which, in severe cases, acne can lead to permanent scarring.
Cysts are lumps under the skin that have pus and other tissue in them, but do not come to a head like pimples do. They can cause scarring, blotchy, uneven skin colour and pitting.
Acne often hits people at a time when they are vulnerable. Teenagers feel embarrassed and bad about themselves at a time when they want to look their best. Acne can lead to anxiety, reduced self esteem and, in extreme cases, depression.
Common Acne Treatments
There are multiple treatments available for acne over the counter from pharmacies. Most contain astringent antiseptics like benzyl peroxide, which work to prevent new pimples from forming. But often, they don’t act quickly. The first benefits aren’t seen until six to eight weeks of daily use. Do we really want to be using a powerful oxidant like peroxide on delicate skin?
Family doctors can also prescribe retinoid creams, antibiotic creams or antibiotic tablets, which also work to prevent new pimples from forming. Again, the benefits are usually seen after six to eight weeks of daily use. They can be used together with benzyl peroxide creams.
With really severe acne, causing scarring or severe distress, then a referral to a dermatologist for isotretinoin treatment is common. After a course of isotretinoin, most people are cured of their acne.
While there are various surgical and laser treaments that can help acne scarring, the best treatment for acne scarring is prevention. Self-manage your acne, but seek professional advice for early if it doesn’t work.
If you are concerned about skin problems or skin care, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist for information about possible treatments. For more information read this article from Better Health .
Self-help Strategies for Acne
Most sufferers can do a lot to self-manage their acne, including:
Cleansing. The most common self-help advice for acne is to use cleansers specifically developed for acne-prone skin, washing the affected areas twice per day. People are advised not to overdo cleansing, because too much cleansing can cause other skin problems, such as dryness or skin irritations. This is because of the benzyl peroxide in most acne cleansers.
CameLife’s Cleansing Bar doesn’t contain benzyl peroxide. In fact, its ingredients are all natural; just camel milk, avocado, citronella and bergamot oils and coconut glycerine. It is so moisturising that you can cleanse far more frequently than with common peroxide based anti-acne cleansers.
Make Up. Choosing water-based, oil-free make up where possible helps to avoids worsening acne by clogging the pores with oils or powder. Make up should be thoroughly removed before going to bed; CameLife’s cleansing bar is perfect for removing water-based make up.
Shaving. For men with facial acne, shaving can be extremely uncomfortable. Common shaving foams often sting and contain additives that can exacerbate acne. Here at CameLife, we are working on a range of male grooming products specifically aimed at bringing the Magic of Camel Milk skincare to men. Meantime, use a shaving brush to lather our Cleansing Bar for a gentle, cleansing and irritation free wet shave.
Squeezing. Picking and squeezing pimples can make them worse and lead to scarring. Better to soothe them with a topical balm such as CameLife’s The Original Camel Balm.
Diet. There is some weak evidence that a low-GI diet may help some people with acne. Many people think that lollies or chocolate cause pimples. Research has not shown any strong link with these foods, but if you notice that eating certain foods causes pimples for you, try avoiding them. You could even try drinking camel milk!
Why is Camel Milk Effective For Acne?
Camel milk has some truly amazing properties that may explain why it has been successfully used to manage acne. We summarise those properties but do not make any claims of therapeutic benefit.
Homogenised Fats
The fats in camel milk are very finely homogenised, so camel milk skincare products are readily absorbed. They don’t sit on or near the surface; camel milk skincare products don’t blocking pores or exacerbating the symptoms of acne.
Vitamins A & C
Camel milk contains natural Vitamin A and C in forms less astringent than the synthesised acids used in many skincare products. Retinol is a synthesised Vitamin A and retinoid creams are often prescribed for acne treatment. In cosmetics, Retinol is used to help to unclog pores and speed cell turnover Synthesised retinal can be irritant, especially on damaged skin.
Vitamin C is a great anti-oxidant. Again, the Vitamin C in camel milk is all natural, not synthesised.
Long Chain Fatty Acids
The long-chain Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in camel milk are anti-inflammatory, moisturising and nourishing. Camel milk cleansers don’t have the drying effect of the common anti-acne products; in fact, the opposite. They moisturise at the same time as cleansing.
Protective Proteins
Camel milk contains complex and unique protective proteins which may help to reduce inflammation and irritation. CameLife’s Original Camel Balm contains 63% camel milk and can be used topically on spots, pimples and cysts.
Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
The alpha-hydroxy acids in the milk, particularly the lactic acid, gently peal and remove dead skin cells, assisting to remove a root cause of acne; dead skin cells blocking hair follicles.
What do you Have to Lose?
Suffer from acne? Fed up with using skincare products which sting, dry your skin and take an age to work? The try cleansing with CameLife’s Facial Cleansing Bar before applying The Original Camel Balm to moisturise and nourish the sites of individual spots.
Give the ol’ cows and goats a rest, they’re tired. Camels are known for their stamina—-if they can trudge through a hot desert for months, they can easily boost your energy and thirst. Camel Milk has been used for centuries by Nomads and Bedouins for it’s nutritional and medicinal properties, we’ve now captured their ancient knowledge and locked it tight in a bottle. Compared to cows milk, Camel Milk has naturally occurring Vitamins D and C. Camel Milk has fewer calories, less bad cholesterol, and lacks the A1 casein protein and lactoglobulin in cow’s milk which makes it suitable for those with lactose intolerance and food allergies in milk.
In Europe, the benefits of Camel Milk is now being embraced by health-conscious consumers, children with autism & people with diabetes. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms all across Europe where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets. We believe in supporting local produce, which is why we only use the best camels across Europe. Only the best, freshest, most wholesome Camel Milk makes it into Desert Farms bottles. Delivered from the farm directly to your home.
Desert Farms uses low impact environmentally sound practices to produce Paleo approved, certified gluten free and no GMO camel milk.
Only the freshest most wholesome camel milk makes it into Desert Farms bottles.
Our camels are pasture raised and enjoy a soy and corn free diet, with no added hormones or antibiotics. To be fair, they have a right to brag they are giving Europe’s most delicious wholesome camel milk.
Hi, Jony
It’s a best camel milk in USA
Camel milk has been used for centuries as a source nutrition in the Middle East, Asian and North African cultures. Nomads and Bedouins still rely on camel’s milk nutritional properties, while generations of tribes have lived on camel milk entirely with a few dates for months in the harsh desert climate. Desert Farms has now captured their ancient knowledge and locked camel milk tight in a bottle. Desert Farms’ camels live in small family farms in the USA where the average herd is about 6 camels. All Desert Farms camels are pasture-raised and eat a complex diet of hay, grass and alfalfa pellets.
Containing only milk from USA-based camels and bottled entirely in America, Desert Farms – Camel Milk is available in several distinct varieties: Raw Camel Milk; Raw Camel Milk (Frozen); Raw Camel Milk Kefir; Pasteurized Camel Milk and Raw Camel Milk Colostrum.
You can buy camel milk directly from Desert Farms website.
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